Monday, February 11, 2008

State of the kondum Portfolio

well, well then looks like I have been ignoring my portfolio for a while now. To be real honest I have not looked into any of my 5 picks closely in the past 3 months. Sure I do glance at the daily prices on my iPhone but have not researched much into it. I am planning on sitting down this weekend and doing a minor analysis-a risk estimate based on what I was taught in a corporate finance course last semester. Let's see how disciplined I will be.

Ok here are the numbers then for my 5 picks from July 20, 2007 until February 11, 2008:

CCP: -36%
COP: -14.6%
E: -20%
PAL: -37%
CHK:+13.3% (hmm?)

Overall: -21%
S&P: -14%

Ouch! Imagine if that portfolio was someone's 401K? Safe to say I would have had to run for cover. In my defense, the S&P 500 Index has not been stellar by any means in the same period.

Now, let's briefly examine what this means? Is there any trend here (in my picks)?

E, COP, and CHK are in the energy sector. But CHK is going in the opposite direction of E and COP. Why you ask? Dont really no. But I will say this about E and COP: the news that E had to cede part of it's share to the Kazag Govt in the Kashagan field did not go well with its shareholders. Plus the net revenue forecast can't be too good. COP: They have been following an up-down-up dance for the last year or so and I guess this is the down period. CHK: no freakin' idea why this is up!!

CCP: This could be in the alternative energy/commodities sector and is woefully underperforming considering that they have been doling out consistent dividends and earnings. And Uranium continues to be in great demand.

PAL: With precious metal prices on the rise this one is surprisingly underperforming as well. Not sure why?

More to come over the weekend on this!

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