Wednesday, January 21, 2009

So? This is 2009 huh?

yeah I have been AWOL for a while now but with good reason (or is there one?). Semester got done in the 3rd week of December and wtf have I been upto you ask. Let me tell you what I have been upto. Quite a few things actually. But that's not important. What is important is that 2008 is done and here we are 3 weeks already into 2009. Not sure how I feel about that actually. It was definitely a good year in a lot of ways. Anyway, let's move on before I get mushy.

So what to expect in 2009. This is the time to make predictions so let me do it as well. Some of you may know of intrade (link). You can bet on Paris Hilton's "assets" to those of Bernie Madoff's at that website or something like that. In that spirit, I give you Kondum's list of TEN for 2009:

President Obama having a Monica Lewinsky type sex scandal. Probability: 0.001%.

Why you ask? Have you seen how Michelle Obama looks? Hello?!

US Economy stays in recession. Probability: umm is there a 110% (of course there is, coaches and politicians always use that number).

By the way, I read a real interesting column in the Economist recently that talked about the differences between a Recession and a Depression. Check it out if you get a chance (link).

The Big Three in Detroit turning into the Big Two or even Big One. Probability: 65%

I dont see how each of them can survive on their own. As I write this I saw a headline flash on "Fiat to partner with Chrysler". hmmm...sign of things to come.

Citi/BOA/any other other big bank in the US will fail. Probability: 40%.

Citi is splitting up and BOA get a little stimulus thing from Uncle Sam recently so that should keep both going for a while. If the economy continues to stagger and people hold onto their cash rather than investing in financial products, that could do it for atleast one of the banks.

Atleast one of the cabinet or high-level govt appointees by President Obama will withdraw during or prior to the confirmation process. Probability: 78%

You know it. Someone would have hired an illegal nanny when they were not so famous or had an obsession for humping goats. As old as the profession itself (politics that is). This does not include Bill Richardson by the way

Slumdog Millionaire wins atleast 4 oscars. Probability: 40%

I have not seen the movie but they seem to have done well with the Golden Globes. And the Oscars love these kinda rags-to-riches movies. Is this movie any good? I have zero motivation to go watch it somehow.

Vince Vaughn/John Mayer will go out with another Hollywood hottie. Probability: 99%

Dude, this guy Vince (I mean he’s average looking) has hit the jackpot when it comes to Hollywood hotties. What is it? The sense of humor or his ‘tallness’? Mayer, well you can sorta understand his mojo: I mean which girl will not dig a croony singer-songwriter type? I mean c’mon.

The Pittsburgh Steelers win the Souper Bowl. Probability: 110%

I mean should there be any doubt about this. Best Defense there is. And a bunch real hardnosed players with no prima donnas. The thing is I like Kurt Warner but not that much. (Waving the Yellow Towel)

Over/under on the number of days the ‘ceasefire in Gaza lasts’: hmm I would say take the under on 30 days

This stuff is not amusing. Really, both sides have to cave in a little bit. Notably Hamas. Negotiation 101 dudes: you have to be in a state of strength to be able to dictate terms. And stop listening to those guys neighboring Iraq will ya.

There will be an electric car vehicle on the road (something along the lines of Chevy Volt that is primarily battery driven) in the US. Probability: 35%

GM is saying that they will have the Chevy Volt ready in 2009 but you know how that goes. Renault is working on something. And what the hell is going on with Tesla? C’mon guys get something on the road.

Enjoy the new year kids!

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