Saturday, March 15, 2008

How it goes?

Been a while. So what's shaking?

Stories I've been following recently:

-B Rack's dissociating himself from his pastor. Potentially campaign-ending if not handled right.

-Bear Stearns in trouble. FT has a fascinating behind-the-scenes account today.

-The Spitzer saga. No comment other than to point out that this country's media focus is too myopic.

-Dollar getting killed! I expect some sort of intervention in the next few weeks.

-Crude Oil, Natural gas prices, Gold, Corn, and metals shooting up. It is going to be an ugly year!

-Iran's 'democratic' elections. Pakistan's power struggles.

-Tucker cancelled on MSNBC! Oh nooooo!!

Things with moi:

-Asked for and granted a 2 week extension of deposit deadline from MIT Sloan. (April 1)

-Wharton decision on March 27.

-Opened a FX (forex) trading account. Following the USDJPY closely. Fascinating stuff.

-2 week vacation in India! April 18-May 3. Yeeeeeaaaaah!

-Discovered LinkedIn and Facebook! LinkedIn has been great to get back in touch with a lot of friends.

-I may have to get reading glasses! Booooo! Had my eyes checked and was given a prescription for reading glasses. Not too thrilled about this.

-Postponed the decision to let people at work know about my B school plans until May 2.

-Watched 'Vantage Point'. Sub-standard movie-making.

-Heard SIRIUS satellite radio this past weekend. Loved the Raw Dog stand-up comedy channel.
Rest seemed average.

-New York City rocks!


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