Saturday, July 7, 2007

Editorials in FT Weekend

Interesting articles in the FT Weekend edition today:

-Comment and analysis article about how it is not surprising that the medical profession bore the militant types in England/Scotland from last week's bomb attempts. The writer points out two luminaries of the past were notable practitioners (aka Doctors) : Joseph Guillotine (yes, he of the chopping head instrument fame!) taking part in the French revolution and the popular Che Guevara. Not sure if this proves anything though. I think a lot of thought needs to be put in to understand what is driving highly qualified and reasonably well-off individuals to pursue this type of behavior. Can't help but think of a statement I came across recently: "When one individual is delusional it is called insanity, when a group of people are delusional it is called Religion".

-Another comment article about the new Michael Moore movie "Sicko". The author (a senior editor of The Weekly Standard) of this article thinks that if the movie watcher goes to watch this movie without having a good understanding of the current health care system in the US, he/she will leave the theater will a shallower understanding of the crisis. I have to say, my opinion was along these lines a couple of weeks ago when the movie came out in Philly. I decided to not watch it until I understand the healthcare system more. I have seen earlier movies of Mr. Moore and have to say that they are long on propaganda and short on substance and solutions. But I will give him this though, atleast he brings less talked about social conscience issues to the mainstream.

-In the financial news area, FT had a piece about the outster of the UBS chief. Did not interest me much. More financial sector related news in the next post.


Kevin Greene said...

Michael Moore is short on substance...ah the pious pablum of the right.Where was the "shortness of substance"??...when he declared Bush incompetent and a liar...that opinion is now shared by a majority of the human beings walking the planet earth. If you want short on substance please do your homework and review all mainstream media outlets who were orgasmic as the war was building up and began in 2003...give me a break

Vegan Dinner Journal said...

Substance isn't entertaining. Michael's movies are. (Election's are on the horizon, aren't they?) He gets people talking. His purpose isn't to offer a deep dive but to present the issue through his lens. He's good at what he does. Fahrenheit had many faults - but it served it's purpose. This is doing the same. I just saw his little fight with Wolf Blitzer - wow. When Jon Stewart picked his fight with CNN he looked cool, this guy looks like the kid who's holding a grudge against society for being picked last in dodge ball all those years ago.