Tuesday, July 10, 2007

More comments about Mr. Moore

okkkkay. Looks like I am getting a decent audience on this blog thing.
Kevin, looks like this Saturday will be spent well (a dash of politics along with your Jaeger please!). Robert did respond to your comment about Mr. Moore-check it out.

Robert, what is this incident that Mr. Moore got into with Wolfy? I missed it.
Yeah, John Stewart was great on "Crossfire" a few years ago. Stripped Tucker Carlson and his bow-tie wearing ass on his own show. Isn't there a link for that on Youtube somewhere? ah yes, here it is:


Vegan Dinner Journal said...

CNN was plugging it all day yesterday. Mr. Moore called out Sanjay Gupta's facts and CNN is using this opportunity to have both of them on Larry King - which aired last night. Didn't see it but I'm sure it was fun TV.

In one corner we have the blubbering liberal buffoon, and in the other the fact checking journalist/surgeon. Curious to see what Gupta found in Moore's stomach.

AH said...

Hadnt seen the full piece before this..Thx. Partisan Hackery ..ha beautiful ..

Kevin Greene said...

Let me see if I can be clear about this. Moore is 2004 called Bush a fraud and a messianic moron whose f-n war would end up exactly where it is...the total cost for those of you keeping score and that understand high fianance way more than i do is running at 135 billion for this fiscal year. In Sicko Moore says the insurance companies seek ways to decline treatment- have you worked for one of them??...i have and they do...score 2 for the buffoon

Vegan Dinner Journal said...

Remember a few years ago when Hillary (who I believe Moore called sexy in this movie) tried to fix our health care system? There was more embedded red tape then in any Kafka novel in her solution. These were lines and charts and charts and lines, it was quite the diagram. If Moore had his way we'd be waiting in line for toilet paper - 1 roll every two months per person. He'd have to go on a diet if he'd want to stay within his quota - not too much 2 for the buffoon.

Didn't see this sicko story yet (I'm not a fan of romantic comedies), - but did Moore point out how much money was spent on frivolous law suites pertaining to healthcare and did he mention anything about these law suites clogging our courts and the backlog it's created for serious uses of our great judicial system? According to our president this is driving up healthcare costs. I hope Moore presented this case from both sides - not just his rear side, he has shown us enough of that already.

Kevin Greene said...

healthcare in the 90`s was sabotaged because gop operatives told gop lawmakers that if healthcare passed on clintons watch the dems would reap electoral bounty for years to come...or to put it in republican speak duh war =electoral bounty...that worked out well in 2006 right? you seem to have an issue w/ moore being fat...i am not fat and that does not change the fact that bush is a worm of a man who we liberals warned you all about 6 years ago but you all knew so much better- after all he may have been an idiot but look at all the smart people he surrounded himself with...wonderful logic...working well for the country

Vegan Dinner Journal said...

Bounty is the quicker picker upper. If Moore/Clinton had their way we'd be waiting in line for that too. But this isn't about wiping stains off of tables, rugs and dresses. This is about Moore's very lopsided perspective and his completely skewed presentation of a serious issue for a Hollywood star. The Clinton solution was way off. Her system didn't pass because it was overly complicated. It just wasn't good. What was outlined wasn't her cure to healthcare, but the realization of the true modern dystopia--one that reduces the individual and their healthcare needs to nothing but a pile of paper, a place in a long line and series of numbers. It was a science fiction experiment that Americans would rather not be a part of.

Kevin Greene said...

lopsided??..you are right- in fact we all know where we can get fair and balanced views right?...meanwhile 50 million people don`t have health care,135 billion on a ginned up war,a reconstituted al queda and religious nut jobs running the country...oh yeah limbaugh and hannity are also fat

Vegan Dinner Journal said...

50 million - that's a long line to wait on for a referral. I hope they at least offer cookies and milk.