Friday, July 13, 2007

Jennifer Vs Angelina - Answers

I see some colorful comments in response to my 'Questions' post. Keep em coming.

Now, it's time for some answers in the Jennifer Vs Angelina issue:

-Hotness factor
Let's see, one is a barby goody girl while the other is a lip-pouting vixen who oozes sensuality.

-Ability to whup some ass if the situation demands
No debate here. Angelina has that look of a bad ass!

-Prettyness factor
Ok this one goes to Jennifer.

-Acting skillz
Well this one is an interesting debate than it looks like.
Quick! tell me 3 movies of Angelina you can remember right now. Unless you are a basement dwelling movie addict here is what you would come up with :Gia, Tomb Raider, Girl Interrupted. That's not exactly Meryl Streep territory by any means but still respectable. Good Shepard, Mr and Mrs Smith, and a couple more they are ok but you would not come out of the movie theatre gushing about her acting skillz. Remove Angelina from all of her movies and except the first three you could substitute her with anyone and that would still be ok. So three memorable movies so far. Not bad.

Now do the same for Jennifer. Office Space and maybe The Break-up. Office Space is way under-rated while Breakup is overrated. The Good Girl was ok I thought; Picture Perfect was a chick flick to the core; Bruce Almighty-did not see it but it is tough to believe Jim Carrey would let anyone else steal the show in his movies; Derailed was crap and her role was pedestrian. So one notable movie: Office Space.

We're not exactly dealing with acting legends here but will give this to Angeline in a push.

-Who has the hotter group of woman friends?
Friends was way overrated in my opinion. Formula writing and mushy-mushy stuff, please! And Courtney Cox and Lisa Kudrow are not my type sorry. Angelina on the other hand, does she even have any woman friends? I have not seen any. So, 2 women is better than none. So, this one to Jennifer.

-Dating history before getting married to the Pitt man.
This is more important than people think. Nobody wants to be with a woman who has attracted losers in her dating life. So, let's see here, not sure who Jennifer dated before Pitt but she did go out with Vince Vaughn after the thing. Vince Vaughn is cool, part of the comedic New Rat Pack. Angelina on the other hand, she was with Billy boy and Billy boy be whacko! Billy Bob is an excellent actor though. Tough choice but will have to give it to Angelina in a push. Billy boy would whup Vince's ass anyday.

-Who would win in a catfight?
Like Partha said, it dont matter as long as there IS a catfight and I get to watch it! But y'all know the BadAss would whup the Pretty girl any day. One more to Angelina.

-Who would look good without makeup?
I am reminded of a recent comment by John Stewart on The Daily Show. Angelina was on the show and was talking about filming a recent movie in Pakistan. John asked her if she wore a Burqua while in Pakistan and Angelina said yes upon John goes "I am sure even the burqua couldn't cover your hotness!". Amen brother. No burqua or loss of makeup will hold the hotness of Angelina. So what do we have so far: 6 to 2 in favor of Angelina.

-Who can have an intelligent conversation?
I can't think of Jennifer having anything to talk about but how to keep your man, how to lose weight, how to maitain free flowing hair ets. On the other hand, Angelina could probably talk about a lot of other stuff on the serious level. Maybe she is facetious but atleast she tries.
7 to 2 Angelina.

-Which one would be embarassed by Borat if he made a pass at her?
Jennifer would probably blush and get a bit embarassed. Angelina being the bad ass that she is would probably end up kicking Borat's ass! But you gotto have a sense of humor about these things and Angelina probably doesnt. 7 to 3 Angelina

-Which one would you rather see in a playboy centerspread?
I agree with Partha. Both! Push.

-Which one would make your male friends jealous if you are with her?
Again both. Push.

One final item before we give a decision
-Jennifer, can't think of any. Angelina on the other hand, let's see: She carried a vial of Billy boy's blood on her neck, reportedly tongue-kissed her real brother during the Oscars. Boy she is a strange cuckoo! So have to give this by default to Jennifer.

That makes it 7 to 4 in favor of Angelina.

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